Vibration and Structural Acoustics Analysis: Current Research and Related Technologies

Книга Vibration and Structural Acoustics Analysis: Current Research and Related Technologies

Название: The New English Course (Part 1)
Автор: Vasques C.M.A., Rodrigues J.D.
Издательство: Springer Science+Business Media
Год выпуска: 2011
Страниц: 327
Формат: pdf
Качество: отличное
SBN: 978-94-007-1702-2
Язык: английский
Размер: 10 Мб
Differs from other vibration and acoustics related books by addressing current and future challenges in this field organized and compiled into a single volume.
Synergetic combination of efforts of the authors and editors for each research topic presented.
A concise introduction to the field for the less experienced readers is provided along with a deeper and more technically demanding critical analysis and dissemination of the results for both the newcomers and experienced readers.
The underlying technologies of this field of multidisciplinary research are evolving very fast and their dissemination is usually scattered over different and complementary scientific and technical publication means. In order to make it easy for developers and technology end-users to follow the latest developments and news in the field, this book collects into a single volume selected, extended, updated and revised versions of papers presented at the Symposium on Vibration and Structural Acoustics Analysis, coordinated by J. Dias Rodrigues and C. M. A. Vasques, which was organised as part of the 3rd International Conference on Integrity, Reliability & Failure (IRF’2009), co-chaired by J. F. Silva Gomes and Shaker A. Meguid, held at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal, 20-24 July 2009.
These papers where chosen from the more than 60 papers presented at the conference symposium.
Written by experienced practitioners and researchers in the field, this book brings together recent developments in the field, spanning across a broad range of themes: vibration analysis, analytical and computational structural acoustics and vibration, material systems and technologies for noise and vibration control, vibration-based structural health monitoring/evaluation, machinery noise/vibration and diagnostics, experimental testing in vibration and structural acoustics, applications and case studies in structural acoustics and vibration. Each chapter presents and describes the state of the art, presents current research results and discusses the need for future developments in a particular aspect of vibration and structural acoustics analysis.
The book is envisaged to be an appealing text for newcomers to the subject and a useful research study tool for advanced students and faculty members. Practitioners and researchers may also find this book a one-stop reference that addresses current and future challenges in this field. The variety of case studies is expected to stimulate a holistic view of sound and vibration and related fields and to appeal to a broad spectrum of engineers such as the ones in the mechanical, aeronautical, aerospace, civil and electrical communities.
Content Level » Research
Keywords » acoustics - vibration
Related subjects » Classical Continuum Physics - Computational Intelligence and Complexity -Mechanical Engineering - Mechanics.
The Dynamic Analysis of Thin Structures Using a Radial Interpolator Meshless Method
L.M.J.S. Dinis, R.M. Natal Jorge, and J. Belinha
The Natural Neighbour Radial Point Interpolation Method
Dynamic Discrete System of Equations
Dynamic Examples
Cantilever Beam
Square Plates
Shallow Shell
Prospects for the Future
Vibration Testing for the Evaluation of the Effects of Moisture Content on the In-Plane Elastic Constants ofWood Used in Musical
M.A. Pérez Martínez, P. Poletti, and L. Gil Espert
Orthotropic Nature of Wood Properties
Influence of Moisture Changes on Wood
Experimental Modal Analysis of Wooden Specimens
Numerical Model of Wooden Plate
Free Vibrations of Kirchhoff Plates
Concluding Remarks
Prospects for the Future
Short-Time Autoregressive (STAR) Modeling for Operational Modal Analysis of Non-stationary Vibration
H. Vu, M. Thomas, A.A. Lakis, and L. Marcouiller
Overview of the State of the Art
Operational Modal Analysis
Non-stationary Vibration
Development of a New Method for Investigating Modal Parameters of Non-stationary Systems by Operational Modal Analysis
The Short Time Autoregressive (STAR) Method
Order Updating and a Criterion for Minimum Model OrderSelection
Working Procedure
Numerical Simulation on a Mechanical System
Discussion on Data Block Length
Simulation on Mechanical System with Time-Dependent Parameters
Experimental Application on an Emerging Steel Plate
Prospects for the Future
A Numerical and Experimental Analysis for the Active Vibration Control of a Concrete Placing Boom
G. Cazzulani, M. Ferrari, F. Resta, and F. Ripamonti
Numerical Model
Active Modal Control
Independent Modal Control
The Modal Observer
Numerical Analysis of Modal Control
Feed-Forward Control
The Feed-Forward Control Logic
Numerical Analysis of the Feed-Forward Control
Experimental Testing
Prospects for the Future
Modeling and Testing of a Concrete Pumping Group Control System
C. Ghielmetti, H. Giberti, and F. Resta
Experimental Tests
Mathematical Model
Concrete Continuity Equations
Comparison Between Numerical and Experimental Results
Prospects for the Future
Vibration Based Structural Health Monitoring and the Modal Strain Energy Damage Index Algorithm Applied to a Composite T-Beam
R. Loendersloot, T.H. Ooijevaar, L. Warnet, A. de Boer, and R. Akkerman
Modal Strain Energy Damage Index Algorithm
T-Beam with T-Joint Stiffener
Theory of the Modal Strain Energy Damage Index Algorithm
Finite Element Model
Experimental Analysis of the T-Beam
Validation of Numerical Model
Length and Starting Point of Delamination
Position of Evaluation Points
Incorporation of Torsion Modes
Prospects for the Future
An Efficient Sound Source Localization Technique via Boundary Element Method
A. Seçgin and A.S. Sarıgül
Helmholtz Integral Equation and Boundary Element Method
Full-Space Case
Half-Space Case
Theoretical Examples: Sound Field Determination
Case Study: Sound Source Localization
Boundary Element Operations
Sound Source Identification and Characterization
Prospects for the Future
Appendix A
Appendix B
Dispersion Analysis of Acoustic Circumferential Waves Using Time-Frequency Representations
R. Latif, M. Laaboubi, E.H. Aassif, and G. Maze
Time-Frequency Representations
Wigner-Ville Distribution
Spectrogram Distribution
Reassignment Spectrogram
Acoustic Measured Signal Backscattered by an Elastic Tube
Experimental Setup
Measured Acoustic Response
Resonance Spectrum
Time-Frequency Images of Experimental Acoustic Signal
Spectrogram and Wigner-Ville Images
Reassigned Spectrogram Image
Determination of Dispersion Curves of Circumferential Waves by the Theoretical Method
Determination of Dispersion Curves of Circumferential Waves by the Reassigned Spectrogram Image
Prospects for the Future
Viscoelastic Damping Technologies: Finite Element Modeling and Application to Circular Saw Blades
C.M.A. Vasques and L.C. Cardoso
Configurations of Viscoelastic Damping Treatments
Viscoelastic Constitutive Behavior
Finite Element Modeling of Viscoelastic Structural Systems
Some Comments on Deformation Theories
Damping Modeling and Solution Approaches
Frequency- and Time-Domain Implementations
broacoustic Simulation and Analysis
Circular Saw Blades Damping: Modeling, Analysis and Design
Geometric and Material Properties of the Saw
FE Modeling and Vibroacoustic Media Discretization
Prospects for the Future
Vibroacoustic Energy Diffusion Optimization in Beams and Plates by Means of Distributed Shunted Piezoelectric Patches
M. Collet, M. Ouisse, K.A. Cunefare, M. Ruzzene, B. Beck, L. Airoldi, and F. Casadei
Classical Tools for Designing RL and RCneg Shunt Circuits
Piezoelectric Modeling and Shunt Circuit Design
Controlling the Dispersion in Beams and Plates
Waves Dispersion Control by Using RL and Negative Capacitance Shunts on Periodically Distributed Piezoelectric Patches
Periodically Distributed Shunted Piezoelectric Patches for Controlling Structure Borne Noise
Description and Modeling of a Periodic Beam System
Optimization of Power Flow Diffusion by Negative Capacitance Shunt Circuits
Optimization of Wave Reflection and Transmission
Prospects for the Future
Identification of Reduced Models from Optimal Complex Eigenvectors in Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics
M. Ouisse and E. Foltête
Properness Condition in Structural Dynamics
Properness of Complex Modes
llustration of Properness Impact on Inverse Procedure
Properness Enforcement
Experimental Illustration
Extension of Properness to Vibroacoustics
Complex Modes for Vibroacoustics
Properness for Vibroacoustics
Methodologies for Properness Enforcement
Experimental Test-Case
Prospects for the Future

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