The Cyclopedic Education Dictionary

Книга The Cyclopedic Education Dictionary

Название:The Cyclopedic Education Dictionary
Автор:Carol Sullivan(Carol Sullivan Spafford Ed.D) Spafford, Augustus J. Izzo Pesce, George S. Grosser
Издательство:Wadsworth Publishing
Дата издания:1997-06-11
Размер:37.00 MB
This book has been designed to provide professional educators, parents, and college students with educational terms, concepts, issues, strategies, and information critical to understanding today's classroom. Containing over 10,000 definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations provides valuable information in areas such as the World Wide Web and computers, legal issues and responsibilities, literacy development, developmental and educational psychology terminology, key mathematical concepts and tables and key bilingual terms in the field.

Рейтинг: 4.8 баллов / 2537 оценок
Формат: Книга
Уже скачали: 12930 раз

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