Instant Messaging in Java, Iain Shigeoka, 2002

Книга Instant Messaging in Java, Iain Shigeoka, 2002

Instant Messaging in Java, Iain Shigeoka, 2002.
  This book is targeted primarily at intermediate developers, Jabber enthusiasts, and technical managers. Non-technical people who need to know about IM in general or Jabber in particular will gain the most insight from the first part of the book. The latter parts of the book contain many technical details and Java source code that you may find of lesser use if you are not a programmer.

A brief history of Jabber.
The Jabber project began in early 1998 as the brainchild of Jeremie Miller. The project quickly grew and evolved. It garnered wide public attention when it was discussed on the popular developer discussion website Slashdot ( in January 1999.
The core Jabber protocols matured and the 1.0 release of the open source reference Jabber server was released in May 2000. The core Jabber protocols that were implemented in the 1.0 release of the reference server have remained relatively unchanged to this day.
From its beginnings, the Jabber development community has tried to create IM standards and encourage interoperability between IM systems. These cooperative efforts arc in direct contrast to the behavior of other popular IM providers that actively work to keep their systems proprietary and isolated from other IM networks.

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