Handbook of Structural Equation Modeling

Книга Handbook of Structural Equation Modeling

Автор: Rick H. Hoyle PhD (Editor)
Название: Handbook of Structural Equation Modeling
Издательство: The Guilford Press
Год: 2012
Формат: PDF
Размер: 14.2 Mb
Язык: Английский
The first comprehensive structural equation modeling (SEM) handbook, this accessible volume presents both the mechanics of SEM and specific SEM strategies and applications. The editor, along with an international group of contributors, and editorial advisory board are leading methodologists who have organized the book to move from simpler material to more statistically complex modeling approaches. Sections cover the foundations of SEM; statistical underpinnings, from assumptions to model modifications; steps in implementation, from data preparation through writing the SEM report; and basic and advanced applications, including new and emerging topics in SEM. Each chapter provides conceptually oriented descriptions, fully explicated analyses, and engaging examples that reveal modeling possibilities for use with readers' data. Many of the chapters also include access to data and syntax files at the companion website, allowing readers to try their hands at reproducing the authors' results.

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