Groundwater Resources: Sustainability, Management, and Restoration

Книга Groundwater Resources: Sustainability, Management, and Restoration

Автор: Neven Kresic
Название: Groundwater Resources: Sustainability, Management, and Restoration
Издательство: McGraw-Hill Professional
Год: 2008
Формат: PDF
Размер: 15 Mb
Язык: Английский
An All-Inclusive Guide to Efficient, Cost-Effective Management of Groundwater Resources
Groundwater Sustainability is a reliable, one-stop guide containing all the information you'll need to succeed in your groundwater management and development projects. It covers virtually every aspect of the subject, from how to characterize groundwater and evaluate its resources to determining the interactions between surface water and groundwater.
Packed with hundreds of illustrations, this expansive guide reviews both established and innovative aquifer restoration techniques and technologies, including the control and remediation of contaminant sources and groundwater contaminant plumes. You'll also find valuable information regarding resource augmentation, the engineering necessary for resource development, and building comprehensive databases for efficient, cost-effective assessment.
Written in an inviting-to-read style by a recognized expert in the field, Groundwater Sustainability provides the last word on the all-important subject of how to maintain and manage the most precious natural resource.
- In-depth coverage of groundwater availability and sustainability
- Treatment options for groundwater contaminants
- Tools and techniques for effectively managing aquifers
- Proven tactics for protecting and restoring groundwater resources
- Case studies, figures, graphs, and photographs
- Tips on building assessment models using a GIS platform
This all-in-one guide covers:
- Global Freshwater Resources
- Aquifer Evaluation
- Groundwater Resource Development
- Groundwater Recharge
- Climate Change and Its Impact on Groundwater
- Groundwater Chemistry
- Drinking Water Treatment Options
- Managing & Restoring Groundwater Resources

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