God of War -The Story of Alexander the Great

Книга God of War -The Story of Alexander the Great

Название: God of War -The Story of Alexander the Great
Автор: Cameron Christian
Жанр: Историческая проза, Исторические приключения

The story of how Alexander the Great conquered the world - first crushing Greek resistance to Macedonian rule, then destroying the Persian Empire in three monumental battles, before marching into the unknown and final victory in India - is a truly epic tale that has mesmerised countless generations of listeners. He crammed more adventure into his thirty-three years than any other human being before or since, and now for the first time a novelist will tell the tale in a single suitably epic volume. The combination of Alexander's life story and Christian Cameron's unrivalled skills as an historian and storyteller will ensure that this will not only be the definitive version for many years to come, but also one of the most exciting historical epics ever written.


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Формат: Книга
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