Excel® 2007 PivotTables and PivotCharts

Книга Excel® 2007 PivotTables and PivotCharts

Автор: Peter G. Aitken
Название: Excel® 2007 PivotTables and PivotCharts
Издательство: Wiley Publishing
Год: 2007
Формат: pdf
Размер: 8 Мб
Год издания: Страниц: 300
ISBN: 978-0-470-10487-3
Язык: русский
This book does not assume that the reader has any prior experience with PivotTables. It starts at square one and moves on from there. However, even those who do have previous PivotTable experience may well find the book useful for dealing with the more arcane aspects of PivotTables or with the many changes that are present in the latest version of Excel. The book is written specifically for Excel 2007.
The book is divided into chapters, with each chapter providing a number of sections that cover some specific aspect of PivotTables or PivotCharts.
• Chapter 1 explains the principles behind PivotTables and shows you the steps required to create a simple PivotTable and chart from your worksheet data.
• Chapter 2 explains the various data sources that you use to create a PivotTable.
• Chapters 3–5 get into the nitty-gritty details of PivotTables including formatting, filtering, grouping, and custom calculations.
• Chapter 6 is devoted to creating PivotCharts from the data in your PivotTables.
• Chapter 7 explores the advanced topic of using PivotCharts with multidimensional data.
• Chapter 8 shows you how to extract hard data from a PivotTable for further analysis inyour worksheet.
• Chapter 9 explores some other Excel analysis methods, such as subtotals and database functions, that may be preferable to PivotTables for some data analysis needs.
• Chapter 10 covers the use of the VBA programming language to create and manipulate PivotTables.

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