Elements of Mechanics

Книга Elements of Mechanics

Автор: P.F. Kelly
Название: Elements of Mechanics
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2014
Формат: PDF
Размер: 4.3 Mb
Язык: Английский
The first volume in a three-part series, Elements of Mechanics provides a rigorous calculus-based introduction to classical physics. It considers diverse phenomena in a systematic manner and emphasises the development of consistent and coherent models guided by symmetry considerations and the application of general principles. Modern developments colour the presentation and are alluded to when most relevant, but the focus remains firmly on the classical formulations and model descriptions of particular physical systems.
The specific topics covered in Elements of Mechanics include:
- Kinematics in one and more dimensions in Cartesian and polar coordinates
- Dynamics, Galilean Relativity and Newton’s Laws of Motion
- Energetics, work–energy theorems, conservative forces, and potential energy
- Impulse and momentum, systems of particles and rigid bodies
- Rigid body rotational kinematics, dynamics, and energetics
- Statics
- Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

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