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22 Адаптированные книги Penguin Readers Elementary.»

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Уровень: Elemantary
Издательство: Pearson Longman

1)Treasure Island (level 2).pdf
2)London (level 2).pdf
3)Black Beauty (level 2).pdf
4)Anne of Green Gables (level 2).pdf
5)Moby Dick(level 2).pdf
6)Mr.Bean in town (level 2).pdf
7)Persuasion (level 2).pdf
8)The story of the treasure seekers (level 2).pdf
9)The Wave (level 2).pdf
10)King Arthur & the Knights of the Round Table (level 2).pdf
11)Robin Hood (level 2).pdf
12)The Mummy Returns (level 2).pdf
13)The room in the tower and other ghost stories (level 2).pdf
14)Dantes Peak (level 2).doc
15)Freckles (level 2).doc
16)Hercules (level 2).doc
17)Jaws (level 2).doc
18)Kidnapped (level 2).doc
19)Round the world in 80 days (level 2).doc
20)The Call of the Wild (level 2).doc
21)The Ghost of Geenny Castle (level 2).doc
22)Alice in wonderland (level 2).doc


1)The Call of the Wild
Автор: Jack London
Год выпуска: 2000

Описание: Buck is a strong, intelligent dog who moves from an easy life in California to the Klondike. Life is tough in the cold north of Canada and Buck has to learn many hard lessons to survive. But can he ever be happy there?

Автор: Peter Benchley
Год выпуска: 1999

Язык: British English
Описание: Amity is a quiet town near New York. One night a woman goes for a swim in the sea. The next morning somebody finds her body on the beach. Brody is the Amity policeman. He thinks there’s a killer shark out there. But the important people don’t listen to him.

3)The Mummy Returns
Автор: John Whitman
Год выпуска: 2006

Язык: American English
Описание: This is the second exciting Mummy movie. Ten years after their last battle with Imhotep, Evelyn and Rick O’Connell are back in Egypt. It is the Year of the Scorpion and people in Egypt are afraid. Somebody has to kill the Scorpion King, or the world will end.

Автор: Andrew Matthews
Год выпуска: 2000

Язык: British English
Описание: Susie has freckles, and she hates them. Her best friend, Donna, has pretty hair, nice teeth and blue eyes. Donna never has problems with boys. Now there is a new boy at school, and Donna is interested. But Susie likes him too...

5) London
Автор: Vicky Shipton
Год выпуска: 2006

Язык: British English
Описание: London is the biggest city in Britain and in Europe. In 1900, it was the biggest city in the world. In this book you will find a lot of interesting information about London. You will read about its history. You will learn about its famous people, museums and palaces of this exciting city.

6)Alice in wonderland
Автор: Lewis Carroll
Год выпуска: 2001

Язык: British English
Описание: One hot summer day, Alice sees a white rabbit and runs after it. She follows it down a rabbit-hole – and arrives in ‘Wonderland’. Here, caterpillars can talk and rabbits have watches. And the Queen wants to cut off everybody’s head!

7)The story of the treasure seekers
Автор: E. Nesbit
Год выпуска: 1999

Язык: British English
Описание: Mr Bastable has lost all his money, so his children decide to look for treasure. They have many adventures and meet a lot of exciting people. But will they find treasure and make their family rich again? And who is the man from India, and can he help them? Edith Nesbit wrote a lot of very popular children's books such as 'The Railway Children' which is also available in Penguin Readers. Recommended for younger learners.

8)The room in the tower and other ghost stories
Автор: Rudyard Kipling
Год выпуска: 1999

Язык: British English
Описание: Three stories, three ghosts. A young woman marries an older man. His first wife is dead. Or is she …? Why does a dead man walk through his house each night? An old woman has a house with a tower. Why does she visit a young man in his dreams?

9) Kidnapped
Автор: Robert Louis Stevenson
Год выпуска: 2001

Язык: British English
Описание: After his parents die, young David Balfour goes to the house of his uncle Ebenezer. But his uncle is a dangerous man. When he puts David on a ship to America, a difficult and dangerous time begins. But who is the stranger on the ship? Can he help David?

10)Robin Hood
Автор: Neil Philip
Год выпуска: 2000

Язык: British English
Описание: The story of Robin Hood is very famous. Robin Hood robbed rich people and gave the money to the poor people. He loved adventure, and he was the best fighter in England. The greedy Sheriff of Nottingham hated Robin, and the beautiful Lady Marian loved him. His most famous adventures are in this book

11) Anne of Green Gables
Автор: L. M. Montgomery

Формат: PDF
Язык: British English
Описание: The Cuthberts ask the orphanage for a boy to help at their farm, but a little girl steps off the train. Anne causes chaos at Green Gables, but her good nature wins everyone’s heart.

12) Moby Dick
Автор: H. Melville- Kathy Burke
Год выпуска: 2006

Язык: American English
Описание: Moby Dick is the most dangerous whale in the oceans. Captain Ahab fought him and lost a leg. Now he hates Moby Dick. He wants to kill him. But can Captain Ahab and his men find the great white whale? A young sailor, Ishmael, tells the story of their exciting and dangerous trip.

13) King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Год выпуска: 2000

Язык: British English
Описание: The story of King Arthur is one of the most famous legends in England. A wonderful tale of the days of chivalry and the exciting adventures of Sir Gawain, Sir Galahad and the other knights of the Round Table.

14) Mr.Bean in town
Автор: Richard Curtis, Robin Driscoll, Rowan Atkinson, Andrew Clifford
Год выпуска: 2001

Язык: British English
Описание: Mr Bean doesn’t understand the world. There are problems for him everywhere. In the restaurant, he doesn’t like his food. He tries to hide it in very strange places. Then Mr Bean goes to the launderette. What happens? He loses his trousers, of course!

15) The Wave
Автор: Morton Rhue
Год выпуска: 2000

Язык: British English
Описание: Mr Ross wants to teach his history class about Hitler and the Nazis. He starts a class team. He calls it The Wave. His students love it. Other students want to be in it. But some people don’t like it. And then it starts to feel dangerous. Can anybody stop it?

16)The Ghost of Genny Castle
Автор: John Escott

Язык: British English
Описание: Claire is staying with her aunt Min. There is an old castle with a black tower in the village. It has a dangerous secret – accidents happen there, animals and people die. One day, Claire goes to the castle. She wants to know its secret.

17) Persuasion
Автор: Jane Austen

Язык: British English
Описание: When they were very young, Anne Elliot and Captain Wentworth were in love. They did not marry, but Anne never forgot her love for him. Now, many years later, they meet again. Does Wentworth feel anything for Anne, or is he only interested in her pretty young friends?

18) Black Beauty
Автор: Anna Sewell

Формат: PDF
Язык: British English
Описание: These were the words of Black Beauty's mother to her son whey they lived with Farmer Grey. But when Black Beauty grew up and his life changed, this was sometimes very difficult for him. Not everybody was as kind as Farmer Grey.

19) Treasure Island
Автор: Robert Louis Stevenson

Формат: PDF
Язык: British English
Описание: Jim Hawkins and his parents have a quiet inn by the sea. Then one day, an old sailor arrives at the inn. What is he afraid of? Dangerous men come to the inn. Jim’s quiet life changes, and he goes across the sea by ship to Treasure Island.

Автор: Timothy Boggs
Год выпуска: 1999

Язык: British English
Описание: A novel by Timothy Boggs based on the Universal television series created by Christian Williams

21)Round the world in 80 days
Автор: Jules Verne
Год выпуска: 2004

Язык: British English
Описание: Phileas Fogg is living quietly in London. Then he makes a bet that he can travel around the world in eighty days. The result is a crazy, exciting race against time across Europe, Asia and America. There are many dangers along the way – and a detective who wants to arrest him!

22)Dante's Peak
Автор: Dewey Gram
Год выпуска: 1999

Язык: British English
Описание: Scientist Harry Dalton knows about volcanoes. His boss, Paul Dreyfus, sends him to Dante’s Peak, a small town in the Cascade Mountains, because one of the mountains is moving. Can Harry help the town’s people before the volcano explodes? Why is Paul stopping him? How much time have they got?

Рейтинг: 4.8 баллов / 2537 оценок
Формат: Книга
Уже скачали: 12765 раз

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