Knowledge Management: Concepts, Methodologies,Tools, and Applications

Книга Knowledge Management: Concepts, Methodologies,Tools, and Applications

Авторы: Murray E. Jennex
Издательство: San Diego State University, USA
Год: 2007
Кол-во страниц: 3450
Формат: pdf
Размер: 60 Мб
Язык: английский
Emphasis on knowledge and information is one of the key factors that differentiate the intelligent business enterprise of the 21st century. In order to harness knowledge and information to improve effectiveness, enterprises of the new millennium must capture, manage, and utilize information with rapid speed in an effort to keep pace with the continually changing technology. Knowledge management is an important means by which organizations can better manage information and, more importantly, knowledge. Not easily defined, knowledge management embodies a plethora of categories within the field of information science and technology.
Over the past two decades, numerous researchers have developed a variety of techniques, methodologies, and measurement tools that have allowed them to develop, deliver, and, at the same time, evaluate the effectiveness of several areas of knowledge management. The explosion of these technologies and methodologies have created an abundance of new, state-of-art literature related to all aspects of this expanding discipline, allowing researchers and practicing educators to learn about the latest discoveries in the field of knowledge management.
Rapid technological changes, combined with much greater interest in discovering innovative techniques to manage knowledge in today’s modern organizations, have led researchers and practioners to continually search for literature that will help them stay abreast of the far-reaching effects of these changes, as well as to help develop and deliver more innovative methodologies and techniques utilizing new technological innovation. In order to provide the most comprehensive, in-depth, and recent coverage of all issues related to knowledge management, as well as to offer a single reference source on all conceptual, methodological, technical, and managerial issues, as well as the opportunities, future challenges, and emerging trends related to this subject, Information Science Reference is pleased to offer a six-volume reference collection on this rapidly growing discipline, in order to empower students, researchers, academicians, and practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of the most critical areas within this field of study.
This collection, entitled Knowledge Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, is organized in eight distinct sections, providing the most wide-ranging coverage of topics such as: (1) Fundamental Concepts and Theories; (2) Development and Design Methodologies; (3) Tools and Technologies; (4) Utilization and Application; (5) Organizational and Social Implications; (6) Managerial Impact; (7) Critical Issues; and (8) Emerging Trends. The following provides a summary of what is covered in each section of this multi-volume reference collection.
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