Ilyushin IL-18/-20/-22: A Versatile Turboprop Transport (Aerofax).

Книга Ilyushin IL-18/-20/-22: A Versatile Turboprop Transport (Aerofax).

Название: Ilyushin IL-18/-20/-22: A Versatile Turboprop Transport (Aerofax)
Автор: Yefim Gordon, Dmitriy Komissarov
Издательство: Midland Publishing
ISBN: 1857801571
Год издания: 2004
Страниц: 160
Язык: Английский
Формат: pdf
Качество: отличное
Размер: 85.51 Мб
Developed as a high-capacity long-range airliner for use on Aeroflots busiest routes, the Ilyushin IL-18 four-turboprop airliner first flew on July 4th, 1957. Despite some initial difficulties, this Soviet equivalent of the Lockheed Electra eventually proved to be extremely successful, offering high comfort and good operating economics for its day. The IL-18 was supplied to many "friendly nations" in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the Caribbean. Its uses included passenger and cargo carriage, VIP transportation, support of Soviet research stations in Antarctica, electronic espionage and various research and development programs, both civil and military.
This book charts the development history of the IL-18. It also provides information on an earlier piston-engined airliner of the same name which turned out to be ahead of its time and was destined never to enter production. It also describes all the principal commercial versions as well as test and development aircraft.
Separate chapters are dedicated to aircraft in the IL18 family which bore separate designations, such as the IL-20M ELINT, the IL-20RT space tracker, the IL-22 airborne command post, the IL-24N ice reconnaissance aircraft used to support commercial shipping operations in the Arctic regions and the IL-38 anti-submarine warfare aircraft.

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