Grab 'n' Go Astronomy

Книга Grab 'n' Go Astronomy

Автор: Neil English
Название: Grab 'n' Go Astronomy (Patrick Moore’s Practical Astronomy)
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2014
ISBN: 1493908251, 9781493908264
Страниц: 249
Формат: PDF
Размер: 9 MB
Язык: English
Like everyone else, most amateur astronomers live busy lives. After a long day or work or looking after young children, the last thing you want as an observer is to have to lug out a large telescope and spend an hour getting it ready before it can be used. Maybe you are going on vacation somewhere in the countryside where there are sure to be dark skies, but you don’t necessarily want astronomy to dominate the trip. Or suppose you are not quite committed to owning a large telescope, but curious enough to see what a smaller, portable setup can accomplish. These are times when a small “grab ’n’ go” telescope, or even a pair of binoculars, is the ideal instrument. And this book can guide you in choosing and best utilizing that equipment.
What makes a telescope fall into the “grab ’n’ go” category? That’s easy – speed of setting up, ease of use, and above all, portability.
In Part I of this book, we survey the various types of equipment, including accessories and mounts, that are available, and what it is best for what kind of viewing.

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