The Art Direction Handbook for Film.

Книга The Art Direction Handbook for Film.

Авторы: Michael Rizzo
Издательство: Focal Press
Год: 2006
Кол-во страниц: 351
Формат: pdf
Размер: 37 Мб
Язык: английский
As a straightforward manual of how to become or perform the job functions of an art director, this book is perfect for the newcomer. In addition to the fundamental information it provides, the first edition of The Art Direction Handbook for Film has been written to meet the needs of newly graduated students and other aspiring filmmakers eager for some first job experience. Networking within the low budget and Indie filmmaking realm is presented from firsthand experience of art directors established in successful careers by providing various, entry level viewpoints and how-to scenarios. This information derived from direct experience is delivered regularly throughout the book and is invaluable. Sometimes offered as a helpful anecdote or directly as advice, the newcomer can easily put the pieces together and navigate the beginning of a new career.
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