Sculpture in America

Книга Sculpture in America

Автор: Wayne Craven
Название: Sculpture in America
Издательство: Thomas Y. Crowell Company
Год: 1968
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 760
Язык: English
Размер: 114 MB
Although American painting, architecture, and the decorative arts have enjoyed considerable attention in recent decades, American sculpture has gone relatively unheralded. This long-awaited, definitive volume, which comes to fill an astonishing gap in the literature of the American aesthetic, is the first complete survey of American sculpture to be published in more than sixty years. Illustrated with more than 280 photographs, Sculpture in America covers the evolution of American sculpture from its seventeenth-century origins to the abstract and nonobjective art of today. Complete biographical sketches are included for more than 130 sculptors along with descriptions and analyses of all of their most important works. Many sculptors never before reviewed in print and many long-forgotten examples of American sculpture are included in this master study.

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