Pre-Columbian Art and Later Indian Tribal Arts

Книга Pre-Columbian Art and Later Indian Tribal Arts

Автор: Ferdinand Anton, Frederick J. Dockstader
Название: Pre-Columbian Art and Later Indian Tribal Arts
Издательство: Harry N. Abrams
Год: 1968
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 272
Язык: English
Размер: 35 MB
With its wealth of illustrations, this book is a fresh experience of the arts of ancient and Pre-Columbian America and of the Indian peoples since the coming of the white man. Almost every aspect of aboriginal art in the Western Hemisphere is present: from the remote Arctic, the vast expanses of the North American continent, the fabled civilizations of Middle America, the still baffling cultures of the Andes. Rarely has the attempt been made to join the arts of the highly developed civilizations of Central and South America with those of tribal cultures of the North, as a kind of continuum of Indian art, and never has it been accomplished so handsomely.

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