The Raw Transformation

Книга The Raw Transformation

Название: The Raw Transformation / Изменяемся посредством сыроедения
Автор: Wendy Rudell
Год издания: 2006
Издательство: North Atlantic Books
ISBN: 1556435894
Страниц: 296
Формат: PDF
Размер: 12,5 Мб (+3%)
Язык: Английский
Широкий выбор рецептов для увлеченных сыроедением или соответствующими диетами. Охвачено все от салатов до напитков, с цветными фото.
This visually lively gourmet raw food recipe book provides all the information you need for increasing your health and well-being through a raw foods diet. The recipes will motivate anyone who wants to have more energy, vitality, and abundant health without feeling deprived of their former cuisine. In addition, the book introduces readers to the ways that we can transform our physical bodies and our consciousness through a combination of living foods, yoga, meditation, breath work, and much more.The first third of the book introduces raw cuisine, giving information on nutrition and the benefits of adopting this lifestyle. It connects raw food to other modalities, to enable the whole process of physical, emotional, and spiritual transformation.The next two thirds of the book features over 300 raw food recipes that are surprisingly diverse and easy to make. These recipes include entrees such as Indian Vegetable Curry and Pad Thai, desserts such as Banana Coconut Cream Pie, and a wide variety of salads, breads, crackers, side dishes, shakes, smoothies, soups, dressings, marinades, dips, and much more. Unlike many natural foods recipe books, this one uses only familiar, easy-to-find ingredients.The book ends with a list of sources for blenders, juicers, kitchen gadgets, organic and specialty foods, as well as health retreat centers. It also includes a glossary and recommended reading list.

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