Mediterranean Clay Pot Cooking: Traditional and Modern Recipes to Savor and Share

Книга Mediterranean Clay Pot Cooking: Traditional and Modern Recipes to Savor and Share

Автор:Paula Wolfert
Название:Mediterranean Clay Pot Cooking: Traditional and Modern Recipes to Savor and Share
Размер:10 mb
A one-of-a-kind cookbook showcasing modern and authentic clay pot cooking from the premier expert on Mediterranean cuisines
Paula Wolfert is legendary for her expertise on and explorations of Mediterranean cooking. Now, Wolfert shares her inimitable passion for detail and insatiable curiosity about cultural traditions and innovations, with Mediterranean Clay Pot Cooking.
Here, the self-confessed clay pot "junkie"-having collected in her travels ceramic pots of all sorts: cazuelas, tagines, baking dishes, bean pots, Romertopf baking dishes, French diablos, ordinary casseroles, even Crockpots, which have a ceramic liner-shares recipes as vibrant as the Mediterranean itself along with the delightful stories behind the earthy pots, irresistible dishes, and outstanding cooks she has met along the way.
Wolfert demystifies the process of clay pot cooking by which fresh ingredients are transformed slowly, richly, lusciously into magnificent meals. She shares 150 recipes featuring soups, fish and shellfish, poultry, meats, pasta and grains, vegetables and beans, pies and breads, eggs and dairy, and desserts.
Mediterranean Clay Pot Cooking offers
Expert techniques and tips from Paula Wolfert, one of the world's foremost authorities on Mediterranean cuisine and now on clay pots
An introduction to this ancient and modern-and practically foolproof-way of cooking
A thorough clay pot primer, familiarizing you with the numerous names for different types of clay pots and tips on "Other Pots You Can Use"
A delicious range of dishes, including Pumpkin Soup with Roquefort Cream; Wine-Marinated Chicken Thighs with Almonds and Sweet Tomato Jam; Fideos with Clams, Shrimps and Mussels; Tian of Leeks and Pancetta; Corsican Cheesecake; and Roasted Peach Gratin
Paula Wolfert in Mediterranean Clay Pot Cooking will seduce you with the pleasures and benefits of cooking in clay.
Summary: The Flavor Explosion Cookbook
Rating: 5
Paula Wolfert's new book, "Mediterranean Clay Pot Cooking" will end up being a seminal work for the new - old way of cooking, in clay pots. There are the old style pots of mica rich natural clays, and the new high tech flameware ceramic stovetop cookware by people such as Bill Sax, Terry Silverman, Emile Henry and the Clay Coyote Pottery.
Clay Pot cooking seems as though it's becoming the third leg of the natural and local foods nutritional stool. As Paula points out, food simply tastes better when cooked in clay. When you combine it with local, fresh foods, your eating will move to a new level.
Paula has approached this book with her usual masterful presentation of authentic recipes from Morocco, France, Italy, Greece and more, but made them more approachable by adding alternative ingredients and alternate cooking methods for different pots. You can cook these dishes in the usual metal cookware, but if you go the extra step and find some clay pots or flameware pottery, you'll find out what I mean when I say these are "flavor explosion" recipes. It is no wonder a number of top lists have made this the number one cookbook for 2009.
Summary: Hot Cooking
Rating: 5
This is a great cookbook even if the only use one makes of it is to read it. And even if you don't own any clay pots, the discussions of how they cook are inspiring. So are the recipes, which are easy to follow and sure to create interesting results. Makes me want to visit the Mediterranean area.
Summary: Hooked on Wolfert
Rating: 5
This is my third book by Paula Wolfert. I intend to get all of them. Her books are not just full of recipes, but also contain relevant background information and insights into other cultures. I'm especially interested in learning more about cooking in clay. So this is the perfect book for me. In addition to the material in the book, you'll find more information about Paula's methods on eGullet's forums. I came across a thread on tagines and another on how to cure claypots. Paula contributed to both threads. Her knowledge, enthusiasm, and curiosity are amazing. It also speaks well of her how she encourages others on the forums. Clearly, a very neat lady.
Now the warning: you may end up with a house full of a new class of toys. So far I've accumulated a Chinese sandpot (which I cracked making a Wolfert recipe and successfully repaired using Paula's instructions), four different tagines, an Emile Henry Flame Top dutch oven, two Roemertopf's, a Japanese donabe, a Spanish Cazuela, and a Baeckeoffe oval tureen from Alsace. Regrettably, I'm not done yet. I still want to get some Black Chamba Clay Cookware and perhaps a daubi?re... unless my wife puts me out of my misery first.
Summary: Paula Wolfert + Mediterrean Cooking... Whadja think was going to happen?
Rating: 5
I read a lot but I usually don't review books that aren't uber-special and this is no exception. Actually, with a cook-author like Paula Wolfert you don't have to wonder whether this book will be exceptional. I think I have all of her cookbooks. She is perfectly interested in this kind of Mediterranean cooking and exactly the right author. After reading for an hour I pulled out my ceramic covered pot and put a chicken with garlic cloves and onions in the oven. It is perfect for hands-off cooking and light-years better than anything you can usually purchase cooked. I like her finish on a chicken dish like this. Move to stovetop once the oven-phase is over, add fresh tomato, red vinegar, cream, and herbs, thereby giving it a fresh multi-layered flavor prior to serving. Exactly. It needs that for a more sophisticated finish and it is easy. I like Paula Wolfert's books because they remind me of stuff and every once in a while I run into something I never heard of. I've done a lot of home-cooking but I constantly read cookbooks because it is easy to fall into a rut, especially for family cooking. There's a lot to like about Paula Wolfert's writing about food. She seems like a friend with identical interests but one who has traveled and experienced a lot more than I ever will. This book is no exception. If you like reading about cooking and the Mediterranean you will not be dissappointed. If you don't mind springing up from your armchair, ripping through your fridge and pantry and popping something into a clay pot and putting it in the oven, meanwhile rediscovering your passion for cooking, this book is exactly for you.
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