Master Class with Toba Garrett

Книга Master Class with Toba Garrett

Название:Master Class with Toba Garrett
Автор:Toba M. Garrett
Год: 2013
Количество страниц:242
Размер:16,2 Mb
Explore the newest techniques in cake decoration and design with Toba Garrett
As one of the premier experts in cake decoration, Toba Garrett has trained some of the world's top cake artists. Offering a perfect blend of technique and inspiration, Master Class with Toba Garrett covers the latest trends and step-by-step methods for aspiring cake decorators and professionals who want to remain at the top of their game. Featuring detailed instruction and gorgeous photographs, the book covers all advanced techniques, including cushion work, scroll work, advanced piping, Australian stringwork, and much more. A wide variety of cakes are included, from wedding and birthday cakes to decorated cupcakes and cookies.
Toba Garrett is the author of Creative Cookies: Delicious Dcorating for Any Occasion, Professional Cake Decorating, The Well-Decorated Cake, and the IACP Award-winning Wedding Cake Art and Design
Includes chapters on different types of cakes along with recipes to make them

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