Academia Barilla Great Little Cookbooks: Pasta

Книга Academia Barilla Great Little Cookbooks: Pasta

Автор: Academia Barilla
Название: Great Little Cookbooks: Pasta
Издательство: Taunton Press
Год: 2013
ISBN: 9781627108263
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 96
Язык: English
Размер: 5.02 Mb
Feed your passion for pasta with 40 al dente delights!
Americans love pasta in all its forms and, according to one poll, it’s one of our top five favorite foods. When you want to serve a delicious, satisfying meal, pasta is usually the answer. With this great little cookbook from Barilla, you’ll have a go-to resource for 40 of the best authentic pasta dishes in all of Italy.
The secrets of Italy’s favorite pasta dishes revealed
The beauty of pasta is that it’s diverse and comes in hundreds of sizes and shapes. And it’s versatile, providing a delicious base for almost any combination of ingredients. Explore all the ways you can enjoy this amazing staple by checking out the Table of Contents. Here are just a few to inspire you...
• Fusilli with Arugula Pesto
• Linguine with Fava Beans
• Semolina Gnocchi with Ricotta
• Tagliatelle alla Bolognese
• Spaghetti alla Carbonara
• Farfalle with Eggplant Sauce
From Academia Barilla: renowned for promoting Italy’s culinary tradition
Cherished recipes in a dozen little cookbooks you’ll cherish!
Created for Italian food lovers, the Great Little Cookbooks series is a collectible library of a dozen pocket-size cookbooks featuring authentic recipes. Now you can cook with recipes that have been treasured and handed down for generations and put into practice today by Italy’s best chefs and finest cooking school instructors.
Pasta – one of the all-time favorites in this collection,
Each cookbook in this series features 40 fabulous recipes focused on a different Italian specialty— antipasti, breads, desserts, fish, meat, pasta, pizza, salads, sauces, side dishes, soups, and vegetarian cuisine. Try one and you’ll want to collect the entire series. It’s an economical way to build a fabulous library of authentic Italian cooking, all from the most trusted name in Italian cuisine, Academia Barilla.

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