90+ Smoothies & Juices: Smoothies & Juices Compilation

Книга 90+ Smoothies & Juices: Smoothies & Juices Compilation

Автор:Juliana Baldec
Название:90+ Smoothies & Juices: Smoothies & Juices Compilation
Издательство:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Размер:41.52 MB
From one of America’s most passionate advocates of turning common and sick making food choice into a healthy & balanced lifestyle that includes 5 minute quick and effortless to make, tasty, healthy, vitality and energy boosting smoothies and juices. Smoothie and juicing consumer and author Juliana Baldec loves sharing her love and passion for these powerful health elixirs. Not only can these healthy blender drinks boost your health and wellness, but they can also provide you with many other benefits like beautifying your body and skin from the inside out, anti-aging, natural ability to heal itself, energizing and regulating your hormones, helping neutralize free radicals in our body and brain, satisfying your daily supply of the cancer fighting mineral selenium, treating fungal bacteria in the body like candida, boosting your energy level to fight against fatigue and illnesses, loosing weight and keep it off, and many other health benefits. When she got started with smoothies and juices, she was able to shed 20 pounds during a period of 2 month. Since then she has been able to keep that weight off. Her secret: She turned these nutritious and satisfying drinks into a way of life. Combining smoothies, juices, her secret morning elixir, that she is going to share with you inside, and a light meal plan has helped her not only lose 40 pounds within 60 days, but she was also been able to get rid of her nasty breathing and Asthma problems at the same time. Consuming a combination of these smoothies and juicing recipes will help your body get rid of sick making toxins, boost your vitality and energy, get rid of nasty body conditions like Asthma, rejuvenate your body, provide your body with a natural immune system, detoxify and clean your body, turn your body into a lean body, shed pounds, and more.
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People are reporting that fad diets never worked on them, but when sticking to this lifestyle of smoothies and juices they were able to lose weight and never gain the weight back afterwards unlike it happens with many of these fad diets. Most people are regaining the weight after following a diet. This is not a fad diet were you gain weight after you are done because this is a healthy and natural lifestyle choice and this is the reason why it also works for weight loss and keeping the weight off. People who have achieved similar results like Baldec by consuming smoothies, juices, and her secret morning apple cider vinegar elixir in combination with a light daily meal plan all agree. This is the most natural and nutritious way to nourish your body and brain while getting weight results simultaneously. As a result your body will turn into a lean and clean body that is full of energy, vitality, and life! From her fruity smoothies and juices to her leafy green, raw, vegetable, and vegetable/fruit combined smoothies and juices such as her vitaliy boosting blender drinks like the "Coconut Kale Sweetness", the "Blueberry Parsley Fat Killer", and the "Lime Lemon Jalapeno Ginger Gold, Baldec's 90+ unique, 5 minute quick, satisfying, and delicious recipes are going to transform your body into a healthy, toxin free, lean and clean body. You will find recipes that boost your body and brain, help you with weight loss, detoxification, boosting up your immune system in a natural way, healing from the inside out, and many other health benefits. She also includes tasty delights that are going to relax your mood and soul like the "Scrumptious Hazel Berry Avocado Triathlon Smoothie", the "Coconut Macadamia Nut Smoothie", the "Kefir Peanut Butter Breakfast Smoothie" and many other delicious and nutritious soul drinks. If your health, weight management, and lifespan are important to you, you owe it to yourself to take a look inside this compilation. This investment into an exciting new lifestyle of lean & clean eating and clean drinking with smoothie and juicing blender recipes will keep the expensive doctor away and double your life!

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