Architectural Structures pdf 15Мб

Книга Architectural Structures pdf 15Мб

Автор:J. Wayne Place
Название: Architectural Structures
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2007
Формат: PDF
Размер: 15Mb
Страниц: 640
Язык: English
Architectural Structures provides the critical tools and know-how to design and build structures that will withstand wind, earthquakes, and other forces. This major survey of structural design is a useful guide to the fundamentals of establishing the structural concept for a building and dealing with structural issues.
Using diagrams, models, computer simulations, case studies, and exercises, Architectural Structures provides a comprehensive narrative that makes selecting and giving shape to structures and structural elements understandable. In addition to developing the necessary vocabulary to effectively work with structural engineers, it helps readers gain a common-sense understanding of principles and issues, the complexities of the design process, and useful analytic methods. This exceptional volume also features:
* Diagrams, drawings, and photographs supporting complex concepts
* Helpful case studies illustrating structural behavior and the design of structural systems
* Information on cost estimation and other practical issues
* Real-world problems and solutions based on actual building structures

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