Succulent Paradise: Twelve Great Gardens of the World

Книга Succulent Paradise: Twelve Great Gardens of the World

Название:Succulent Paradise: Twelve Great Gardens of the World
Издательство: Random House Struik
Автор: Gideon F. Smith, Estrela Figueiredo
Количество страниц:184
Формат: epub
Размер:96,6 Mb
Most botanical gardens include succulents in their collections; few are devoted solely to them. In Succulent Paradise, the reader is taken on a verbal and visual tour of twelve exceptional succulent gardens. See how a handful of landscaping and horticultural visionaries have juxtaposed indigenous and exotic plants with a blend of natural and created landscaping elements. Experience the impact and style of gardens in locations as diverse as steeply terraced Mediterranean cliffs, dusty Karoo plains, Mexico City's metropolis, California's canyons, and the red desert of Arizona. The authors have visited gardens around the world dedicated to the display, cultivation and propagation of succulent plants. In Succulent Paradise, they have expressed their love of these tenacious, yet surprisingly glamorous, plants as well as appreciation for those whose vision and persistence has variously created abundance, promoted conservation, and left a legacy for future generations.

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