The Who, the What, and the When: 65 Artists Illustrate the Secret Sidekicks of History

Книга The Who, the What, and the When: 65 Artists Illustrate the Secret Sidekicks of History

Автор: Jenny Volvovski, Julia Rothman, Matt Lamothe
Название: The Who, the What, and the When: 65 Artists Illustrate the Secret Sidekicks of History
Издательство: Chronicle Books
Год: 2014
Формат: PDF (e-book)
Размер: 33.6 Mb
Язык: Английский
In the bestselling tradition of The Where, the Why, and the How, this offbeat illustrated history reveals 65 people you've probably never heard of, but who helped shape the word as we know it. Muses and neighbors, friends and relatives, accomplices and benefactors—such as Michael and Joy Brown, who gifted Harper Lee a year's worth of wages to help her write To Kill a Mockingbird. Or John Ordway, the colleague who walked with Lewis and Clark every step of the way. Each eye-opening story of these unsung heroes is written by a notable historian and illustrated by a top indie artist, making The Who, the What, and the When a treasure trove of word and image for history buffs, art lovers, and anyone who rejoices in unexpected discovery.

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