The Ancient Greeks For Dummies

Книга The Ancient Greeks For Dummies

Автор:Stephen Batchelor
Название:The Ancient Greeks For Dummies
Издательство:For Dummies
Размер:6.38 MB
The civilisation of the Ancient Greeks has been immensely influential on the language, politics, educational systems, philosophy, science and arts of Western culture. As well as instigating itself as the birthplace of the Olympics, Ancient Greece is famous for its literature, philosophy, mythology and the beautiful architecture- to which thousands of tourists flock every year.
This entertaining guide introduces readers to the amazing world of the Ancient Greeks. It offers a complete rundown of Greek history alongside fascinating insights into daily life in Ancient Greece and a captivating overview of Greek mythology. Readers will discover how this ancient culture came to be the cornerstone of Western civilisation and the enormous influence it has had on our language, politics, education, philosophy, science, arts and sport.
- The history of Ancient Greece remains a wide topic of interest, particularly renowned for its influential and diverse culture
- This basic guide will allow greater access to this vibrant area of study, and provide a distinct and light-hearted approach to this vast area history
- Covers dozens of topics, including; the early civilisations, war & fighting, home & family, day-to-day life and much, much more!
Table of Contents:
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Part I: Travelling Back in Time.
Chapter 1: When, Where, What, Who? Meeting the Ancient Greeks.
Chapter 2: Encountering Prehistoric Civilisations: The Minoans and Mycenaeans.
Chapter 3: Shedding Light on Ancient Greece’s Dark Ages.
Chapter 4: Governing by Kings, Tyrants, and (Eventually) Democrats.
Chapter 5: Fighting and Warring: Greece Gets Heavy.
Chapter 6: East versus West: The Persian Wars.
Part II: Athens to Alexander: The Rise and Fall of Empires.
Chapter 7: Athens and Empire Building.
Chapter 8: Dealing with the Neighbours from Hell: The Peloponnesian War.
Chapter 9: Losing Their Way: The End of Classical Greece.
Chapter 10: Rising Quickly to the Top: Macedonia.
Chapter 11: Crowning the Undefeated Champion of the World: Alexander the Great.
Chapter 12: What Happened Next?
Part III: Living a Greek Life.
Chapter 13: Out in the Fields: Farming, Herding, and Travelling.
Chapter 14: Home and Family.
Chapter 15: Going About Daily Life in Ancient Greece.
Chapter 16: Plays and Pugilism: Enjoying Ancient Greek Entertainment.
Chapter 17: Depicting Men, Women, and Gods in Art.
Chapter 18: Building Beautiful Greek Architecture.
Part IV: Mythology, Religion, and Belief.
Chapter 19: Going Back to the Beginning: Myths and Gods.
Chapter 20: Blending Myth and History: Troy, Homer, and Heroes.
Chapter 21: Practising Everyday Religion: ‘A God Put It in My Heart to Say’.
Chapter 22: Trying to Figure Everything Out: Greek Philosophy.
Part V: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 23: Ten Great Greek Inventions.
Chapter 24: Ten Things to Read Next.
Chapter 25: Ten Dodgy Ancient Greek Characters.
Chapter 26: Ten Great Places to Visit.

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Формат: Книга
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