Socrates in the Agora, The Athenian Agora, A Short Guide in Color (Agora Picture Book 16-17)

Книга Socrates in the Agora,  The Athenian Agora, A Short Guide in Color (Agora Picture Book 16-17)

As far as we know, the 5th-century B.C. Greek philosopher Socrates himself wrote nothing. We discover his thoughts and deeds entirely through the writings of his followers, disciples who accompanied him on his walks through the Athenian Agora or engaged in dialogue with him in the Stoa Basileios. Rather than examining his ideas in abstract, this stimulating little book aims to place Socrates in his physical setting, using textual references to follow his progress through the material remains still visible. The author not only sheds new light on the great philosopher’s life, but also provides a vivid reconstruction, through following the career of one of its most famous citizens, of daily life at the center of classical Athens.

Название Socrates in the Agora, The Athenian Agora, A Short Guide in Color (Agora Picture Book 16-17)
Издательство American School of Classical Studies
Автор Lang, M., Camp, J.
Год 1978
Страниц 72
Размер 11 Mb
Формат PDF
Язык Английский

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