Archaeology, Artifacts and Antiquities of the Ancient Near East (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East)

Книга Archaeology, Artifacts and Antiquities of the Ancient Near East (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East)

Название : Archaeology, Artifacts and Antiquities of the Ancient Near East (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East)
Автор : Oscar White Muscarella
Издательство: Brill
Год издания : 2013
ISBN: 9789004236660
Страниц: 1088
Формат : PDF
Размер файла: 21,4 MB
Язык : English
Archaeology, Artifacts and Antiquities of the Ancient Near East" follows the evolution of Oscar White Muscarella s scholarly work and interests and is divided into several categories of interrelated fields.
“When asked by Jennifer Pavelko of Brill USA to compile a volume of my past articles, on the model of the two volumes of Irene Winter’s outstanding scholarship published by Brill, I was of course flattered. And then began the difficult task of decision making. Given the limitation of approximately forty articles to be selected by me, I had first to examine my curriculum vita and make a list of which to choose. When I reached fifty articles I was obliged to refocus my mind and eliminate ten of them. This exercise was fortunate, I believe, for it forced me not merely to focus on works that to my mind reflect a diachronic compendium of my decades of writing, but concomitantly, and as objectively as possible, to contemplate the very nature and thrusts of my work as a whole. The scope of my research and writing has widened from the “pure” archaeological work of excavation reports and artifact analyses to include a sharpened interest in the vast number of unexcavated antiquities—and, as I came to realize, of forgeries—as well as associated cultural phenomena that often run contrary to archaeological goals.”
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