What Brothers Think, What Sistahs Know About Sex: The Real Deal On Passion, Loving, And Intimacy

Книга What Brothers Think, What Sistahs Know About Sex: The Real Deal On Passion, Loving, And Intimacy

Название:What Brothers Think, What Sistahs Know About Sex: The Real Deal On Passion, Loving, And Intimacy
Автор:Denene Millner, Nick Chiles
Издательство:Harper Paperbacks
Дата издания:2000-02-01
Размер: 1.08 MB
Sex fascinates us. Scares us. Troubles us. Sex, not baseball, is the real American pastime. But the rules are often kept under wraps, and no one's quite sure about the definition of a home run. Until now.
Bestselling authors Denene Millner and Nick Chiles break open the vault and reveal the real deal on what African Americans think about sex. Drawing on their own experiences as husband and wife -- and those of their friends who were willing to give it up they offer insights and sizzling tips for communicating, seducing and heating up the bedroom (or wherever else couples may find themselves . . . ). In their own unique way, they help couples communicate about sex -- from their favorite pleasure to their most sinful fantasy -- to keep a relationship healthy and hot. It makes for some steamy reading....
What Brothers Think, What Sistahs Know About Sex rides the coattails of two bestsellers: Denene Millner's The Sistahs' Rules and What Brothers Think, What Sistahs Know, which she wrote with her husband, Nick Chiles.
Now, Millner and Chiles once again venture boldly into each other's heads to discover-and decode -- what African American men and women really think about sex and intimacy. In a he said/she said format, the authors discuss the emotional and physical landscape of sex with one specific goal: to help other couples communicate about sex-from their favorite pleasures to their most sinful fantasies -- to keep a relationship healthy and hot.
Ranging from the first date to the first baby, from missionary style to love-making so creative that your whole body blushes, What Brothers Think, What Sistahs Know About Sex replaces myth with reality, wipes away taboo, and begins a dialogue about sex and intimacy so real that it will deepen any love connection.
What Brothers Think, What Sistahs Know About Sex rides the coattails of two bestsellers: Denene Millner's The Sistahs' Rules and What Brothers Think, What Sistahs Know, which she wrote with her husband, Nick Chiles.
Now, Millner and Chiles once again venture boldly into each other's heads to discover-and decode--what African American men and women really think about sex and intimacy. In a he said/she said format, the authors discuss the emotional and physical landscape of sex with one specific goal: to help other couples communicate about sex-from their favorite pleasures to their most sinful fantasies--to keep a relationship healthy and hot.
Ranging from the first date to the first baby, from missionary style to love-making so creative that your whole body blushes, What Brothers Think, What Sistahs Know About Sex replaces myth with reality, wipes away taboo, and begins a dialogue about sex and intimacy so real that it will deepen any love connection.

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