Violence at the Urban Margins

Книга Violence at the Urban Margins

Автор: Javier Auyero; Philippe I. Bourgois; Nancy Scheper-Hughes
Название: Violence at the Urban Margins
Язык: english
Издательство: New York, NY: Oxford University Press
Год: 2015
Серия: Global and comparative ethnography
Формат: pdf
Размер: 12,3 mb
Страниц: x, 340

In the Americas, debates around issues of citizen's public safety--from debates that erupt after highly publicized events, such as the shootings of Jordan Davis and Trayvon Martin, to those that recurrently dominate the airwaves in Latin America--are dominated by members of the middle and upper-middle classes. However, a cursory count of the victims of urban violence in the Americas reveals that the people suffering the most from violence live, and die, at the lowest of the socio-symbolic order, at the margins of urban societies.
The inhabitants of the urban margins are hardly ever heard in discussions about public safety. They live in danger but the discourse about violence and risk belongs to, is manufactured and manipulated by, others--others who are prone to view violence at the urban margins as evidence of a cultural, or racial, defect, rather than question violence's relationship to economic and political marginalization. As a result, the experience of interpersonal violence among the urban poor becomes something unspeakable, and the everyday fear and trauma lived in relegated territories is constantly muted and denied.
This edited volume seeks to counteract this pernicious tendency by putting under the ethnographic microscope--and making public--the way in which violence is lived and acted upon in the urban peripheries. It features cutting-edge ethnographic research on the role of violence in the lives of the urban poor in South, Central, and North America, and sheds light on the suffering that violence produces and perpetuates, as well as the individual and collective responses that violence generates, among those living at the urban margins of the Americas
 Table of contents:
Acknowledgments vii
List of Contributors ix
Introduction 1
Kristine Kilanski and Javier Auyero
PART ONE: Shared Underscandings
1. The Moral Economy of Murder: Violence, Death, and Social Order in Nicaragua 21
Dennis Rodgers
2. The Moral Economy of Violence in the US Inner City: Deadly Sociability in the Retail Narcotics Economy 41
George Karandinos, Laurie Hart, Fernando Montero Castrillo, and Philippe Bourgois
3. On the Importance of Having a Positive Attitude 73
Kevin Lewis O'Neill and Benjamin Fogarty-Valenzuela
PART TWO: Gender and Masculinicies
4. “Es que para ellos el deporte es matar”: Rethinking the Scripts of Violent Men in El Salvador and Brazil 93
Mo Hume and Polly Wilding
5. Duros and Gangland Girlfriends: Male Identity, Gang Socialization, and Rape in Medellin 112
Adam Baird
PART THREE: Being in Danger, What Do People Do?
6. Fear and Spectacular Drug Violence in Monterrey 135
Ana Villarreal
7. Chismosas and Alcahuetas: Being the Mother of an Empistolado within the Everyday Armed Violence of a Caracas Barrio 162
Veronica Zubillaga, Manuel Llorens, and John Souto
8. Managing in the Midst of Social Disaster: Poor Peoples Responses to Urban Violence 189
Javier Auyero and Kristine Kilanski
9. When the Police Knock Your Door In 212
Alice Goffman
PART FOUR: Ethnographic Positions and the Politics of Violence
10. Standpoint Purgatorio: Liminal Fear and Danger in Studying the “Black and Brown” Tension in Los Angeles 249
Randol Contreras
11. Death Squads and Vigilante Politics in Democratic Northeast Brazil 266
Nancy Scheper-Hughes
Postface: Insecurity, the War on Drugs, and Crimes of the State: Symbolic Violence in the Americas 305
Philippe Bourgois
Index 323

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