Making Progress in English

Книга Making Progress in English

Автор: Eve Bearne
Название: Making Progress in English
Издательство: Routledge
Год: 1998
Страниц: 376
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF / rar + 3%
Размер: 11.07 Mb
This manual is designed to help teachers establish a principled framework for developing English at Key Stages 1 and 2. Covering all aspects of English, it will help teachers raise standards of achievement in pupils at all levels of fluency and confidence.
The author uses case study material to relate theory to practice, covering issues such as classroom organization and management. She also provides guidance for planning and developing ideas with colleagues and with children, and offers suggestions for teaching strategies with photocopiable sheets and formats and ways to evaluate teaching.
Separate sections deal with reading, writing, speaking and listening, and these different threads are drawn together in sections on knowledge about language - including spelling, grammar and punctuation - and study of texts - including media, poetry, drama, response to literature and the use of non-fiction texts. The final section deals with policy and schemes of work. Each chapter also offers information on:
* assessment, recording and reporting, linked to scales of progression
* frameworks for screening and supporting children who have difficulties with English
* gender
* working with parents
* linguistic and cultural diversity
Eve Bearne teaches at Homerton College, C.mbridge.

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