Group Portrait Photography Handbook, 2nd Ed.

Книга Group Portrait Photography Handbook, 2nd Ed.

Автор: Bill Hurter
Название: Group Portrait Photography Handbook, 2nd Ed.
Издательство: Amherst Media, Inc
Год: 2005
Формат: Pdf
Язык: Английский
Размер: 3.4 MB

Any time you try to pose two or more people in a photograph and render them looking happy and relaxed, you’ll understand why professional portrait photographers are so well paid. Photographing portraits of groups is not easy. Many group portraits are family por-traits—records of happiness and togetherness. Taken every few years,the family portrait provides cherished memories of how the family looked “back then”and a fond record of the children’s growth.
Family groups taken in the home show the familiar warmth of home and, according to many, probably bring
the largest economic return. Outdoor family portraits are a close second, with the studio portrait usually ranking last in terms of popularity and sales.
When and why do people have a family portrait made?
Master photographer Robert Love says, “In our area, the number-one reason that clients call us to create a family portrait is because the complete family is getting together for a special occasion. Usually the parents have one or more grown children who don’t live at home anymore. More often than not, this person is married and has a family, as well. Now we have an opportunity to create a third-generation memento. With these extended families, we have photographed from eight to thirty people in one

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