Книга Hunters of Dune

Книга Книга Hunters of Dune

Название: Hunters of Dune
Автор: Herbert Frank
Исполнитель: Scott Brick
Формат: MP3
Размер: 1.1 GB
Качество: Отличное
Язык: Русский
Жанр: Sci-Fi, Фантастика
Год издания: 2006
Heretics of Dune - On Arrakis, now called Rakis, known to legend as Dune, 10 times 10 centuries have passed. The planet is becoming desert again. The Lost Ones are returning home from the far reaches of space. The great sandworms are dying, and the Bene Gesserit and the Bene Tleilax struggle to direct the future of Dune. The children of Dune's children awaken as from a dream, wielding the new power of a heresy called love.
Hunters of Dune is the first of two books written by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson to conclude Frank Herbert's original Dune series of novels.
The cliffhanger ending of Frank Herbert's Chapterhouse: Dune (1985) and his subsequent death in 1986 left some overarching plotlines unresolved. Released on August 22, 2006, Hunters continues the story of the danger posed to humanity by a remote, unnamed, but ever-present "great enemy". The novel is based on notes left behind by Frank Herbert, but that Hunters and its 2007 sequel Sandworms of Dune represent their version of what Frank Herbert referred to as Dune 7, his own planned seventh novel in the Dune series.
The first five chapters of the novel were available prior to the novel's publication via free download from the official Dune website, released monthly from March until July in 2006.

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Формат: Книга
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