The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need pdf 20,7Мб

Книга The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need pdf 20,7Мб

Название: The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need
Издатель: Taylor Trade Publishing
Автор: Joanna Martine Woolfolk
Год: 2008
Язык: English
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 534
ISBN: 978-1589793774
Размер: 20.7 мб

Хотя это не единственная книга об астрологии, но её нужно рассмотреть.
Автор дает легкий, логический способ объединить интерпретации признаков солнца, лунных признаков, планет и т.д.

Although this is not the only astrology book that your library will ever need, it is still a valuable title that should be strongly considered. Woolfolk, the horoscope columnist for Marie Claire and Redbook magazines, has updated her classic guide for the first time in 19 years. Thoroughly covered here are sun signs, moon signs, planets, and the significance of the 12 zodiacal houses, as well as the most recent discoveries in astronomy and 21st-century projections. The author gives an easy, logical way to integrate the interpretations of the sun signs, moon signs, planets, and houses in any given chart, something not easily done or often seen in general astrology books. The book's only shortcoming is its lack of instruction on making a detailed technical chart, which is necessary if one is to cast a complete and accurate horoscope. However, Woolfolk compensates for this by teaching a simplified method that is about 90 percent accurate enough to get a beginner started and includes a bibliography for further instruction. Astronomical tables are included to help cast the simplified chart. A great bargain for the price, this is highly recommended for all astrology collections9 years. Thoroughly covered here are sun signs, moon signs, planets, and the significance of the 12 zodiacal houses, as well as the most recent discoveries in astronomy and 21st-century projections. The author gives an easy, logical way to integrate the interpretations of the sun signs, moon signs, planets, and houses in any given chart, something not easily done or often seen in general astrology books. The book's only shortcoming is its lack of instruction on making a detailed technical chart, which is necessary if one is to cast a complete and accurate horoscope. However, Woolfolk compensates for this by teaching a simplified method that is about 90 percent accurate enough to get a beginner started and includes a bibliography for further instruction. Astronomical tables are included to help cast the simplified chart. A great bargain for the price, this is highly recommended for all astrology collections



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