Waves and Oscillations in Nature: An Introduction

Книга Waves and Oscillations in Nature: An Introduction

Автор: A Satya Narayanan, Swapan K Saha
Название: Waves and Oscillations in Nature: An Introduction
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2015
Формат: PDF
Размер: 5 Mb
Язык: Английский
Waves and oscillations are found in large scales (galactic) and microscopic scales (neutrino) in nature. Their dynamics and behavior heavily depend on the type of medium through which they propagate.
Waves and Oscillations in Nature: An Introduction clearly elucidates the dynamics and behavior of waves and oscillations in various mediums. It presents different types of waves and oscillations that can be observed and studied from macroscopic to microscopic scales. The book provides a thorough introduction for researchers and graduate students in assorted areas of physics, such as fluid dynamics, plasma physics, optics, and astrophysics.
The authors first explain introductory aspects of waves and electromagnetism, including characteristics of waves, the basics of electrostatics and magnetostatics, and Maxwell’s equations. They then explore waves in a uniform media, waves and oscillations in hydrodynamics, and waves in a magnetized medium for homogeneous and nonhomogeneous media. The book also describes types of shock waves, such as normal and oblique shocks, and discusses important details pertaining to waves in optics, including polarization from experimental and observational points of view. The book concludes with a focus on plasmas, covering different plasma parameters, quasilinear and nonlinear aspects of plasma waves, and various instabilities in hydrodynamics and plasmas.

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