Molecular Gas Dynamics Theory, Techniques, and Applications

Книга Molecular Gas Dynamics Theory, Techniques, and Applications

Автор: Sone Y.
Название: Molecular Gas Dynamics Theory, Techniques, and Applications
Издательство: Birkhauser Boston
Год: 2007
Формат: PDF
Размер: 12.25mb
язык: английский
This self-contained work is an up-to-date treatment of the basic theory of molecular gas dynamics and its various applications. Recent progress in the field has greatly enhanced the original theory and stimulated interesting and critical gas dynamic phenomena and problems.
This book, unique in the literature, presents working knowledge, theory, techniques, and typical phenomena in rarefied gases for theoretical development and applications.
Basic theory is developed in a systematic way and presented in a form easily applied to practical use. In this book, the ghost and non-Navier–Stokes effects are demonstrated for typical examples—such as Bénard and Taylor–Couette problems—in the context of a new framework. An infinitesimal curvature effect is also discussed, with a long-standing problem of the bifurcation of the plane Couette flow worked out as an example.
The book is useful for those working in different communities where kinetic theory or fluid dynamics is important: graduate students, researchers, and practitioners in theoretical physics, applied mathematics, and various branches of engineering.
The work may be used as a self-study reference or as a textbook in graduate-level courses on fluid dynamics, gas dynamics, kinetic theory, molecular or rarefied gas dynamics, microflows, and applied mathematics

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