Algorithms of informatics. Vol 2: Applications.

Книга Algorithms of informatics. Vol 2: Applications.

Название: Algorithms of informatics. Vol 2: Applications
Автор: Ivanyi A.
Издательство: mondAt Kft
Год издания: 2007
Страниц: 573
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Размер: 4.93 Мб
It is a special pleasure for me to recommend to the Readers the book Algorithms of Computer Science, edited with great care by Antal Iványi. Computer algorithms form a very important and fast developing branch of computer science. Design and analysis of large computer networks, large scale scienti c computations and simulations, economic planning, data protection and cryptography and many other applications require e ective, carefully planned and precisely analysed algorithms.
Many years ago we wrote a small book with Peter Gacs under the title algorithms. The two volumes of the book Algorithms of Computer Science show how this topic developed into a complex area that branches o into many exciting directions. It gives a special pleasure to me that so many excellent representatives of Hungarian computer science have cooperated to create this book. It is obvious to me that this book will be one of the most important reference books for students, researchers and computer users for a long time.

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