Kitchens & Baths for Today & Tomorrow: Ideas for Fabulous New Kitchens and Baths

Книга Kitchens & Baths for Today & Tomorrow: Ideas for Fabulous New Kitchens and Baths

Автор: Jerri Farris
Название: Kitchens & Baths for Today & Tomorrow: Ideas for Fabulous New Kitchens and Baths
Издательство: Cool Springs Press
Год: 2008
Формат: PDF
Размер: 46.3 Mb
Язык: Английский
This inspirational book allows readers to dream about their ideal bathroom and kitchen, but it doesn't stop there: Kitchens & Baths for Today & Tomorrow also helps readers transform their dreams into reality. From simply practical to fabulously luxurious, this book is written specifically for do-it-yourselfers. Photographs of beautiful rooms are right alongside insider tips, detailed instructions on how to plan and design kitchens and bathrooms, as well as money-saving ideas that can be adapted to personal plans, clever do-it-yourself projects for each topic, hints and tips from professional designers, a glossary of terms, and a valuable resource guide for DIYers.
The book gives bathrooms and kitchens equal attention in their own sections. Both sections open with an introductory planning and design chapter specific to the room, and then move into detailed chapters discussing key elements of the room, including: walls, floors, ceilings, storage and display, lighting, fixtures and fittings, and ventilation. The kitchen sections also offers ideas to aid in food preparation and cleanup, and dining and hospitality. The photos, descriptions, facts, and details from Kitchens & Baths for Today & Tomorrow will help readers plan kitchen and bathroom projects wisely.

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