A Guide to careers in design - becoming an interior designer, 2nd edition

Книга A Guide to careers in design - becoming an interior designer, 2nd edition

Название: A Guide to careers in design. Becoming an interior designer, 2nd edition
Автор: Christine Piotrowski
Издательство: Wiley
ISBN: 978-0-470-11423-0
Жанр: CG Interior Design
Год: 2009
Страниц: 338
Формат: PDF
Размер: 71 МБ
Качество: Отличное
Язык: Английский
We spend over 90 percent of our day in interior spaces. Despite this, most people take interiors for granted, barely noticing the furniture, colors, textures, and other elements-let alone the form of the space-of which they are made. Sometimes, of course, the design of the interior does catch our attention. Maybe it’s the pulsing excitement of a casino, the rich paneling of an expensive restaurant, or the soothing background of a religious facility. As you are reading this book, you obviously have an interest in interiors and interior design. it might be because you have always enjoyed rearranging the furniture in your home. Maybe you like to draw imaginative floor plans for houses. It could be that a relative or friend is a contractor and you have been involved in the actual construction of a building in some way. Perhaps you saw a program on television and it inspired you to learn more about the profession. The interior design profession is a lot more than what you see portrayed on various television programs. The profession of interior design has been defined by educators and professionals.

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