Typography Workbook: A Real-World Guide to Using Type in Graphic Design

Книга Typography Workbook: A Real-World Guide to Using Type in Graphic Design

Название: Typography Workbook: A Real-World Guide to Using Type in Graphic Design
Автор: Timothy Samara
Издательство: Rockport
Год: 2006
Формат: HQ PDF
Качество: отличное
Размер: 103 Мб
Язык: English
Количество страниц: 243
Описание: New in paperback, The Typography Workbook provides an at-a-glance reference book for designers on all aspects of type.
The book is part of Rockport's popular Workbook series of practical and inspirational workbooks that cover all the fundamental areas of the graphic design business. This book presents an abundance of information on type - the cornerstone of graphic design - succinctly and to the point, so that designers can get the information they need quickly and easily.
Whereas many other books on type are either very technical or showcase oriented, this book offers ideas and inspiration through hundreds of real-life projects showing successful, well-crafted usage of type. The book also offers a variety of other content, including choosing fonts, sizes, and colors; incorporating text and illustrations; avoiding common mistakes in text usage; and teaching rules by which to live (and work) by.

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