Photoshop For Beginners в трех книгах

Книга Photoshop For Beginners  в трех книгах

Издательство: Imagine Publishing
Год издания: 2013
Страниц: 260+260+260
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Размер: 366,97 Mb
Photoshop For Beginners Everything you need to get startes with Adobe Photoshop New for CS6
This revised edition includes updates for CS6, and features brand new tutorials to help you get creative. Featuring: Getting started - Find your way around the Photoshop interface and discover what's new in Elements 10. Basic corrections - Easy-to-follow tutorials to master the simplest image-editing techniques. Retouching - Touch up those imperfections to make your images flawless. Quick fix - Enhance your photos in no time at all.
Photoshop For Beginners Everything you need to get startes with Adobe Photoshop For CS, CC and Elements users
This revised edition includes updates for CS6, and features brand new tutorials to help you get creative. Featuring: Getting started - Find your way around the Photoshop interface and discover what's new in Elements 10. Basic corrections - Easy-to-follow tutorials to master the simplest image-editing techniques. Retouching - Touch up those imperfections to make your images flawless. Quick fix - Enhance your photos in no time at all...
Photoshop For Beginners Magbook 2013 - The Easy Way To Get Started With Adobe Photoshop + Simple Step-By-Step Tutorials
This guide will show you how to use Photoshop to improve your pictures. Walking you through the features and showing you how to use the right tools for the job, you will be able to edit your photos in no time. Designed for absolute beginners and Windows and Mac users alike, you will find all the information you need to get started.

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