Книга Understanding Industrial Design: Principles for UX and Interaction Design

Книга Книга Understanding Industrial Design: Principles for UX and Interaction Design

Название: Understanding Industrial Design: Principles for UX and Interaction Design
Автор: Simon King, Kuen Chang
Страниц: 288
Формат: PDF
Размер: 28.8 Мб
Качество: Отличное
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2016
With the coming flood of connected products, many UX and interaction designers are looking into hardware design, a discipline largely unfamiliar to them. If you’re among those who want to blend digital and physical design concepts successfully, this practical book helps you explore seven long-standing principles of industrial design.
Two present and former design directors at IDEO, the international design and innovation firm, use real-world examples to describe industrial designs that are sensorial, simple, enduring, playful, thoughtful, sustainable, and beautiful. You’ll learn how to approach, frame, and evaluate your designs as they extend beyond the screen and into the physical world.
Sensorial: create experiences that fully engage our human sensesSimple: design simple products that provide overall clarity in relation to their purposeEnduring: build products that wear well and live on as classicsPlayful: use playful design to go beyond functionality and create emotional connectionsThoughtful: observe people’s struggles and anticipate their needsSustainable: design products that reduce environmental impactBeautiful: elevate the experience of everyday products through beauty

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