Image Processing with ImageJ

Книга Image Processing with ImageJ

Название:Image Processing with ImageJ
Автор:José María Mateos Pérez and Javier Pascau
Год: 2013
Количество страниц:140
Формат: PDF, EPUB
Размер:12,24 Mb
Digital image processing is an increasingly important field across a vast array of scientific disciplines. ImageJ’s long history and ever-growing user base makes it a perfect candidate for solving daily tasks involving all kinds of image analysis processes.
Image Processing with ImageJ is a practical book that will guide you from the most basic analysis techniques to the fine details of implementing new functionalities through the ImageJ plugin system, all of it through the use of examples and practical cases.
ImageJ is an excellent public domain imaging analysis platform that can be very easily used for almost all your image processing needs. Image Processing with ImageJ will start by showing you how to open a number of different images, become familiar with the different options, and perform simple analysis operations using the provided image samples.
You will also learn how to make modifications through ImageJ filters and how to make local measurements using the selections system. You will also find the instructions necessary to record all the steps you perform so they can be saved and re-run on the same image to ensure analysis reproducibility. Finally, you will get to know some different ImageJ plugins and will learn how to implement your own.

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