Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Digital Classroom

Книга Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Digital Classroom

Название:Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Digital Classroom
Автор:Jeremy Osborn, AGI Creative Team
Год: June 2012
Издательство: Wiley
Страниц: 496 pages
Формат: pdf,ebup
Язык: английский
Размер:69,7 Mb

Dreamweaver is the industry standard software for professional website design, with more than 90 percent of the market. In this book-and-DVD package, expert instructors provide a complete course in basic Dreamweaver that you can access at your own speed. Step-by-step instructions in the book are supported by lesson files and video tutorials on the DVD, presenting the newest version of Dreamweaver in 16 self-paced lessons. You'll learn to use style sheets, dynamic HTML, multimedia, databases, and much more to design, develop, and maintain your website.

Newcomers to website development will learn to design and maintain fully functioning sites using the newest version of Dreamweaver with this book-and-DVD package
The self-paced lessons cover applying style sheets, using dynamic HTML, adding style with images and multimedia, publishing and maintaining a website, and using databases to create dynamic websites
Shows how to use hyperlinks to navigate throughout a website or link to other sites on the Internet and how to format web pages and forms
Created by a team of Adobe experts who have developed training programs for Adobe Systems

Dreamweaver CS6 Digital Classroom is the next best thing to having a personal tutor teach you this award-winning software.


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