Trading Economics: A Guide to Economic Statistics for Practitioners and Students

Книга Trading Economics: A Guide to Economic Statistics for Practitioners and Students

Автор:Trevor Williams, Victoria Turton
Название:Trading Economics: A Guide to Economic Statistics for Practitioners and Students
Размер:12.37 mb
A practical guide to understanding how key economic and market statistics drive financial market trends
The recent global financial crisis stressed the need for economists who understand how key economic and market statistics drive financial market trends and how to mitigate the risks for businesses that those trends affect. Trading Economics provides guidance for navigating key market figures in a convenient and practical format. Emphasizing the link between economic data and market movements, this book analyzes surveys, economic growth statistics, inflation, labor markets, international trade, monetary and fiscal indicators, and their relevance in financial markets. It bypasses complex terminology to offer a hands-on, accessible introduction to financial statistics and how to profit from them.
Offers clear illustrations and an easy-to-read layout to teach you how to trade profitably in financial markets and minimizes risk for your business
Written Trevor Williams and Victoria Turton, authoritative public figures with experience working on the New York Stock Exchange
Includes a website featuring a blog and new surveys as they develop accompanies the book
Complete with worked examples and updated information, Trading Economics is an essential, comprehensive guide to understanding every aspect of financial market trends and how to navigate them to your advantage.

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