The Unofficial Guide to Making Money on eBay

Книга The Unofficial Guide to Making Money on eBay

Название: The Unofficial Guide to Making Money on eBay
Издательство: Wiley
Автор: Lynn Dralle
Год: 2006
Количество страниц: 370
Формат: PDF
Размер: 12 mb
Язык: English

The inside scoop...for when you want more than the official line! More than 430,000 people run full- or part-time businesses on eBay. Whether you want to become a PowerSeller yourself, supplement an established bricks-and-mortar business, or just make some extra money by cleaning out your garage and attic, this guide will help you get your merchandise going?going?gone! It tells you how to do everything from opening your seller's account and listing your items to collecting the payments. Chockfull of tips, techniques, and expert advice from "The Queen of Auctions," Lynn Dralle, it includes: Vital Information for maximizing your sales, including the top ten eBay categories Insider Secrets on acquiring merchandise, creating effective listings, earning positive feedback, and more Money-Saving Techniques, including the best ways to ship various types of merchandise Money-Making Techniques, such as selling collectibles individually rather than as a set Time-Saving Tips, such as setting up efficient areas for staging, storage, and shipping The Scoop on the latest trends, including Buy It Now sales and eBay drop-off stores


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