Planning for Information Systems (Advances in Management Information Systems)

Книга Planning for Information Systems (Advances in Management Information Systems)

Название:Planning for Information Systems (Advances in Management Information Systems)
Автор:William Richard King
Издательство:M.E. Sharpe
Дата издания:2009-03-15
Размер:4.50 MB
Edited by one of the best-known and most widely respected figures in the field, "Planning for Information Systems" is a comprehensive, single source overview of the myriad ideas and processes that are identified with IS planning. While many chapters deal with high level strategic planning, the book gives equal attention to on-the-ground planning issues.Part I, 'Key Concepts of IS Planning', focuses on how IS planning has evolved over the years; business-IS strategic alignment; and the role of dynamic organizational capabilities in leveraging IS competencies. Part II, 'The Organizational IS Planning Process,' describes IS planning in terms of critical success factors and includes a knowledge-based view of IS planning; a practical assessment of strategic alignment; the IT budgeting process; the search for an optimal level of IS strategic planning; and the role of organizational learning in IS planning.Part III, 'IS Investment Planning', deals with predicting the value that an IS project may have; a 'rational expectations' approach to assessing project payoffs; assessing the social costs and benefits of projects; an options-based approach to managing project risks; planning for project teams; and the moderating effects of coordinated planning. Part IV, 'Goals and Outcomes of IS Planning', considers information strategy as a goal and/or outcome of IS planning; IT infrastructure as a goal or outcome; competitive advantage as a goal or outcome; e-process partnership chains; and planning successful Internet-based projects.

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