Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2009: Proceedings of the International Conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2009

Книга Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2009: Proceedings of the International Conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2009

Название:Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2009: Proceedings of the International Conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2009
Автор:Wolfram Hopken, Ulrike Gretzel, Rob Law
Дата издания:2009-03-16
Размер: 8.8 mb
The dynamic nature of tourism markets has become ever more pronounced and innovative business models like online communities continue to emerge. ENTER 2009 pays attention to this situation and the theme eTourism: dynamic challenges for travel and tourism expresses the objective to present a collection of cutting-edge academic and industrial research as well as practical applications dealing with new challenges and new ways of doing business in a rapidly changing and highly dynamic environment. 42 peer-reviewed papers cover a wide range of cutting edge topics currently driving research and development activities in the field of IT and travel and tourism such as online communities, user generated content, recommender systems, mobile technology, platforms and tools, website optimisation, electronic marketing, ICT and tourism destinations and technology acceptance.

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