Hell On Earth (The trilogy)

Книга Hell On Earth (The trilogy)

Автор: Jackie Kessler
Издательство: Zebra Books 2007-2008
ISBN 0821781022; 0758216424; 1420106295
Язык: english / английский
Cтраниц: 3 books
Качество: хорошее
Формат: PDF
Размер: 3 Mb
Hell's Belles (Hell On Earth, Book 1) (1 MB)
Once upon a time, Jezebel was a powerful succubus, capable of seducing men and sucking out their souls. But that was before Hell put a bounty on her head. Now her only chance to escape a fate far worse than death is to live as a mortal, losing herself in a sea of unfamiliar humanity, in a place where sinners walk hand-in-hand with saints - a place like Belle's strip club in New York City. Working as an exotic dancer is a piece of cake for a former demon who once specialized in sex. Taking money from men? Please. It's like leading lawyers to the Lake of Fire. Plus the lingerie is great. But she hadn't counted on meeting sexy Paul Hamilton, a man haunted by his past. Good-bye, succubus; hello, lovestruck. Learning all about how complicated - and pleasurable - love can be, Jezebel thinks she's turned her back on Hell. But Hell hasn't stopped looking for her. The secrets Jezebel holds are the most dangerous of all, the kind every demon in the Underworld would do their worst to protect. Demons are closing in, which is enough to make Jezebel shiver in her G-string. But it's her love for Paul that's going to have deadly consequences...
The Road to Hell (Hell on Earth, Book 2)
In Jackie Kessler's debut novel Hell's Belles, she introduced readers to Jesse Harris, a succubus-turned-human with a tart tongue, a way with a g-string, and a soft spot for sexy undercover cop Paul Hamilton. Now Jesse's back, and where she goes, Hell is sure to follow...
There's Nothing Worse Than A Demon With A Grudge
Jesse may no longer be a soul-stealing succubus, but she's got a Hell of a past. She'd love to come clean to her sweet, super-hot boyfriend Paul, but how exactly does a girl start that conversation? There's no name tag that reads: "I Used to Have Sex with Men before Taking Their Souls to the Lake of Fire--Ask Me How!" Just like some people are worth being monogamous for (shudder), some secrets are worth keeping. Like the fact that bad boy incubus Daunuan keeps popping up from the Underworld to put some toe-curling moves on her; that her former associates are trying to strong-arm her back into the fold; and that every supernatural entity on the planet seems to want to have a conversation with her in the bathroom. But someone in the Underworld isn't ready to play nice (go figure), and this time, the stakes are nothing less than Paul's immortal soul.
If Hell wants Jesse back so badly, they've got her. But payback's a bitch, and this bitch is about to rock Hell like a hurricane--or lose her soul trying...
Hotter Than Hell (Hell on Earth, Book 3)
Daunuan was never the ambitious type. There's so much to love about his job just the way it is - mind-blowing sexual prowess, the power to seduce any human, excellent dental plan. But now Pan, the King of Lust, has offered to make Daun his right-hand incubus - a position other demons would give their left horn for. All he has to do is entice a soul destined for heaven into a damnable act of lust. Should take, oh, seven minutes, tops.Then he meets his target, Virginia Reed. She's cute. Funny. Smart. Unfathomably resistant to his charms. He can't understand it. But Daun has centuries of seduction to his credit. He's the best there is. Sooner or later he'll transform this polar icecap of a female into a pool of molten desire, and every instinct tells him she'll be worth the effort.Meanwhile, he has to deal with a plague of rogue demons Hell-bent on taking him down, sent by an unknown enemy with a serious grudge. And one other problem: the dawning realization that he's falling in love - that unholiest of four-letter words - with the woman he's about to doom for all eternity...
Hell's Belles (Hell On Earth, Book 1) (1 MB)
The Road to Hell (Hell on Earth, Book 2) (1 MB)
Hotter Than Hell (Hell on Earth, Book 3) (1 MB)

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