The Radio Amateur's Microwave Communications Handbook

Книга The Radio Amateur's Microwave Communications Handbook

Автор:Dave Ingram
Название:The Radio Amateur's Microwave Communications Handbook
Издательство:Tab Books
Размер:13.14 MB
Somewhere on a country mountaintop an amateur microwave repeater system sits in a heated and dimly illuminated building.
The large dish antennas outside the building give only a brief glimpse of the futuristic activity happening inside. The system is handling various communications, ranging from computer interlinks and amateur-television operations to multiple voice relays between various cities. An additional dish antenna is relaying signals to wide- band amateur communications satellites placed in geostationary or bits at various points around the world. Many miles away, the amateurs accessing this system use small hand-held transceivers, or computer terminals; yet their operations can reach the world.
Fantasyland? Indeed not ; this is the shape of amateur trends that are being developed and activated at this time. Operational con cepts of these systems are outlined in this book. I sincerely hope you find this information both beneficial and inspiring. Once in volved in microwave pioneering, you'll surely agree this is ama teur radio's ultimate frontier. As I' ve said many times-in previous books and in magazine columns-the Golden Age of Radio is very much alive and well. It lives in the highly specialized areas of mod ern communications technology.

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