Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing

Книга Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing

Автор: Mary P Attenborough
Год издания: 2003
Формат: pdf
Издат.: Newnes
Страниц: 576
Размер: 8 mb
Язык: Английский

Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing embraces many applications of modern mathematics, such as Boolean Algebra and Sets and Functions, and also teaches both discrete and continuous systems - particularly vital for Digital Signal Processing (DSP). In addition, as most modern engineers are required to study software, material suitable for Software Engineering - set theory, predicate and prepositional calculus, language and graph theory - is fully integrated into the book.
Excessive technical detail and language are avoided, recognising that the real requirement for practising engineers is the need to understand the applications of mathematics in everyday engineering contexts. Emphasis is given to an appreciation of the fundamental concepts behind the mathematics, for problem solving and undertaking critical analysis of results, whether using a calculator or a computer.
The text is backed up by numerous exercises and worked examples throughout, firmly rooted in engineering practice, ensuring that all mathematical theory introduced is directly relevant to real-world engineering. The book includes introductions to advanced topics such as Fourier analysis, vector calculus and random processes, also making this a suitable introductory text for second year undergraduates of electrical, electronic and computer engineering, undertaking engineering mathematics courses.
The book is supported with a number of free online resources. On the companion website readers will find:
* over 60 pages of "Background Mathematics" reinforcing introductory material for revision purposes in advance of your first year course
* plotXpose software (for equation solving, and drawing graphs of simple functions, their derivatives, integrals and Fourier transforms)
* problems and projects (linking directly to the software)

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