Книга Make: JavaScript Robotics: Building NodeBots with Johnny-Five, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and BeagleBone

Книга Книга Make: JavaScript Robotics: Building NodeBots with Johnny-Five, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and BeagleBone

Название: Make: javascript Robotics: Building NodeBots with Johnny-Five, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and BeagleBone
Автор: Backstop Media
Формат: PDF
Размер: 24 Мб
Качество: Отличное
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2015
javascript Robotics is on the rise. Rick Waldron, the lead author of this book and creator of the Johnny-Five platform, is at the forefront of this movement. Johnny-Five is an open source javascript Arduino programming framework for robotics.
This book brings together fifteen innovative programmers, each creating a unique Johnny-Five robot step-by-step, and offering tips and tricks along the way. Experience with javascript is a prerequisite.
Conventions Used in This Book
Using Code Examples
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How to Contact Us
Julián Duque
1. Building Robots with Lo-tech Materials
Building the SimpleBot
Bill of Materials
Build Steps
Installing Node.js Packages
Testing the Build with a Basic Program
A Simple Driving Program
Cutting the Cord
Building a Wireless SimpleBot
Wiring Up
Controlling the SimpleBot
What’s Next?
2. TypeBot
Bill of Materials
Understanding Your Servomotors
Anatomy of a Robot Arm
Arm Layout
Arm Constraints
Building the Hardware
The Base and Shoulder
The Elbow
The Wrist
The Finger
The Brains
Writing the Software
Creating the Project Files
Controlling the Servos
Sequencing a Key Press
Running for the First Time
Fine-Tuning the Arm
What’s Next?
3. Getting Started with NodeBoats
Bill of Materials
The Submarine Motor Pod
Why Use a Motor Driver?
Motor Pod Components
Modifying the Motor
Testing the Motor
Finishing the Motor
Inserting the Motor
Drilling into the Motor Pod
Closing the Motor Pod
Waterproofing Your Wires
Setting Up Your Spark
Testing the Spark
Your First Spark Program
Soldering the Motor Driver
Wiring Up Your Boat
Powering the Motor Driver
Connecting the Spark and the Motor Driver
Connecting the Motor
Controlling Your Motor: The Code
Adding Keypress Events
Storing Keypress State
Floating the Boat
Steering with Servos
Programming Servo Control
Assembling the Rudder
Setting Sail
What’s Next?
4. piDuino5 Mobile Robot Platform
Bill of Materials
Setting Up the Boards and Installing Software
Installing Node.js on the Raspberry Pi
Downloading the piDuino5 Code and Dependencies
Plug in the Arduino
Test Johnny-Five over WebSockets
Walk Through app.js
Initializing Johnny-Five
Controlling the Hardware
Low-Latency Control with WebSockets
Connect from Anywhere
Assemble the Hardware
Controlling with a Smartphone
Downloading the piDuino5 Web App
Post localtunnel to the Web App
Try the Web App on a Phone
Walk Through app.js and index.html
Storing the localtunnel Address and Frontend
Serving the UI
Touchscreen Joystick
Establishing a Connection
Sending Commands
What’s Next?
5. Controlling a Hexapod with Johnny-Five
Bill of Materials
Controlling the Robot from the Command Line
An Introduction to phoenix.js
Assembling the Robot
Prepare the Chassis
Mount the Electronics
Prepare the Servos
Installing the coxae
Installing the Femurs
Installing the Tibias
The Coordinate System
Trim the Servos
Trim the coxae
Trim the Femurs
Trim the Tibias
Add Ranges to the Servos
Walking Is Hard!
Meet the Animation Class
An Array of Servos as the Target
A Servo.Array as the Target
An Array of Servo.Arrays as the Target
The First Animation Segment
The Row Gait
The Walk Gait
The Run Gait
Command Reference
What’s Next?
6. Building Voice-Controlled NodeBots
Bill of Materials
BeagleBone Black
Building Our Project
Building a Relay Circuit
Controlling the Relay Circuit from Johnny-Five
Building a Microphone Preamplifier Circuit
Connecting the Microphone to the Relay from Johnny-Five
Building the Commands Server
Simple Voice Control Using the Web Speech API
Integrate the Commands Server with the Relay Circuit
Advanced Voice Control Using an Android Wearable
Android Mobile Application
Android Wear Application
What’s Next?
7. An Indoor Sundial
Bill of Materials
Foam Core Structural Pieces
Building Our Sundial
Cutting and Assembling the Core Structure
Assemble the Mounting Board
Wiring and Configuring the Servos
Wiring the Servos
Configuring the Servos
Building the Lower Base
Making the Disks
Build the Base Walls and Base Disk Support
Build the Base Walls
Position the Disks
Build the Disk Support
Finish Parts and Construction
Build the Azimuth Arm
Construct the Elevation Arc
Cut a Gnomon
Wire Up the Sun
Code to Make It Go
Understanding sundial.js
Set Up Some Configuration in sundial.js
sundial.js Details
Putting It All Together!
Making It Go!
What’s Next?
8. Spooky Lights
Bill of Materials
Choosing a Controller Board
What’s an LED Matrix?
Assembling the Lights
Tools Required
Preparing the Matrices
Constructing a Cable Assembly
Decorating the Lights
Controlling an LED matrix
Preparing the Arduino
Running a Test Program
Matrix Constructor Options
Drawing to the Matrix
Developing a Web Application
Development Tools
Using the Express Generator
Developing an API
Adding a User Interface
Extending the Application
What’s Next?
9. CheerfulJ5
Bill of Materials
Wiring the Circuit
The CheerfulJ5 code
Connecting to the Arduino
Controlling an RGB
Using the Node.js Read-Eval-Print Loop
Defining the CheerLights Color Map
Accessing the CheerLights ThingSpeak API
Using the Twitter Streaming API
Going Wireless with the Spark WiFi Development Kit
Adding the Spark to Your Circuit
Using the Spark-io IO Plugin
Switching to Battery Power
Packaging It Up
What’s Next?
10. Interactive RGB LED Display with BeagleBone Black
Bill of Materials
BeagleBone Black
WiFi USB Adapter (optional)
External 5V Power Supply (Semi-Optional)
Getting Ready: Software
Wiring Your LEDs
Wiring Up Your RGB LEDs
Code Time! Let’s Bring in the javascript
Running a Test Script
Adding in Johnny-Five/Beaglebone-io
Adding a Photoresistor
Changing Colors with an Accelerometer
What’s Next?
11. Physical Security, javascript, and You
Simple Ultrasonic Sensor Project: Experimental Control Test (SUSPECT)
SMS Augmented Ultrasonic Sensor Application: General Experimentation
Point-of-Entry Monitoring System (PoEMS)
Lasers Impress Both Enemies and Relatives, Thank You (LIBERTY)
Status Indicator Necessary, Buttons and Diodes (SINBaD)
What’s Next?
12. Artificial Intelligence: BatBot
Artificial Intelligence: The Basics
Remote-Controlled Robots
Semi-Autonomous Robots
Autonomous Robots
Bill of Materials
Some Notes About the Materials
Step 1: Remote Control
Moving the Robot
Controlling the Robot
Pointing and Reading from the Sonar
Step 2: Autonomy
Implementing the Algorithm
What’s Next?
13. Delta Robots and Kinematics
Bill of Materials
Delta Anatomy
Building Junky Delta
Making It Move
Predictable Positioning Through Kinematics
More Sophisticated Delta Options
Robot Army
What’s Next?
14. Meow Shoes
Bill of Materials
Parts Explained
Making the Sensor Inserts
Solder the Sensors to the Wiring
Install Sensors into the Shoes
Tunnel the Wiring out of the Shoe
Connecting the Shoes
Prepare the Coiled Connector Cord
Connect the Shoes to an Arduino
Prepare Wiring
Arduino Soldering
Attach the Arduino to the Right Shoe
Running the Code with Johnny-Five
Connecting to Johnny-Five
Setting up Sensors
Logging Output of Sensors
Example Behavior
What’s Next?
A. Appendix
Installing Node.js
Installing Johnny-Five
More Information
Configuring Your Hardware
BeagleBone Black
Raspberry Pi
Spark WiFi Development Kit
Android Development
Installing Android Studio
Creating an Android Project
Installing Volley

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